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Educator Tools for Evaluation of Units: Unit Template
Based on "Understanding by Design" by Wiggins and McTighe, this template was designed to be used by educators as a tool to evaluate Common Assignment Study units.
In the Common Assignment Study (CAS), teachers from different districts and states collaborated to develop and implement high-quality curricular units. This report describes how common instructional units can support teacher effectiveness and improvement efforts in Kentucky.
This Professional Learning Module provides guidelines for implementing the Shell Center’s Formative Assessment Lesson, Lines and Linear Equations. Educators can use this information to better understand how to apply the lesson, which is compatible with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), to their own instruction.
This is the Common Assignment 1 Pre-Assessment section (for students) of Words Matter, a unit that helps students understand how words can carry multiple layers of meaning, as well as the way in which authors select words to convey deeper meaning. For easy use, files are available in PDF and Word.
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