I’m honored to announce the official launch of our K-12 Progress in Action campaign. In the coming months, we’ll highlight and amplify the progress our partners and grantees are making to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed. Sometimes we get caught in our day to day work, leaving little time to focus on what is actually working in the field. More teachers are seeing the profound impact collaborative professional development can have on their teaching. More students are being prepared for college and beyond because of high, consistent standards. And more students are receiving a high-quality education—many for the first time—in public charter schools.
These changes can be powerful for anyone, but truly transformational for students from low-income communities and communities of color. Because none of these successes are possible without teachers, we’re kicking off the campaign with a spotlight on innovative professional learning opportunities that provide teachers with meaningful feedback and the support they are asking for to improve their practice. We’ll continue this conversation on our website and social channels over the next few weeks. It’s important to celebrate, learn from, and build on the progress we’ve made—with our partners and grantees—to improve student success.
That’s why we encourage you to share your own stories of progress in action by sending updates of great work happening in your communities to [email protected]. We also invite you to join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #ProgressInK12.
Regards, Allan Golston President, U.S. Program @AllanGolston