Individual schools have a unique set of assets and talent that can be mobilized to improve student outcomes. In our experience, no two schools are the same — they have different needs, histories and commitments. At the same time, schools share common problems, such as getting (and keeping) students on track in high school, enrolled in a viable postsecondary program and on the road to success as adults. That’s why since August 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has made grants to 24 organizations that are supporting 38 networks of middle and high schools in 23 states to improve outcomes for students who are Black, Latino, or experiencing poverty by using data-driven approaches to continually improve their practice based on issues they’ve identified. We’re interested in learning from these Networks for School Improvement (NSI) how schools can use a methodical approach to improvement, widely used in fields such as healthcare, to advance high school graduation and postsecondary success rates for students who are Black, Latino, and experiencing poverty.