K-12 Momentum: November 2020

Dear friend,

Please join us on November 19 at 2:00PM Eastern Time to hear about some of the emerging early learnings and reflections from our Network for School Improvement (NSI) partners and researchers from Columbia University. Your participation in this conversation is, in many ways, an important part of the foundation’s work. Let me explain.  

One critical aspect of the NSI portfolio is to better understand what educators learn about their students’ assets and needs. Within the variable context of schools and districts, what systems, mindsets or practices limit and challenge student success? How do we as educators, working collectively with district and intermediary partners, analyze students’ needs in their own schools, adapt research-based strategies and implement them for impact using professional expertise and data? And finally, how do we as a profession share, improve and scale promising strategies to accelerate even greater learning across our field? 

In their work in schools and across networks, NSI partners are working to answer these and other questions. We are still in the early days of our journey -- the NSI initiative will stretch to 2025 -- and we hope to learn and report out a lot more. NSI partners have indicated their willingness to share what they are learning over the last three years.

So in continuing our conversation about the NSI work, (see our first report here), NSI partners will discuss emerging lessons highlighted in a forthcoming report from the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia University, as well as how their work has adapted to the challenges brought on by COVID-19.  

I speak for the K-12 team when I say we are honored (and excited!) to be part of this vibrant community of learners and invite you to join us. You can find more details here.
Bob Hughes


  • Connected and Engaged

    FHI 360 recently released Connected and Engaged, an online guide designed to help educators navigate unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19. Informed by insights from educators in the field, the guide offers high-leverage strategies to ensure success for grades 6-12, especially Black and Latino students and students experiencing poverty.
  • "Beyond High School"

    This new publication from Community Design Partners highlights the importance of postsecondary planning support for students and families, as well as the important role of friends. Learnings are informed by a three-day design camp where recent graduates and their counselors created prototypes that will be tested in Dallas ISD.
  • Implementing Sustainable, Quality Residency Programming

    Grantees in our Educator Preparing strategy have met for the past year to grapple with challenges facing teaching preparation programs. Leaders from five innovative Teacher Preparation Transformation Centers developed this new report to support teacher residency programs seeking to scale with strategies and case studies to serve as models.

What We're Reading