Last week, our Progress in Action campaign celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week by highlighting stories of great teachers around the country—teachers who are working to help all students succeed. Giving all students the chance to receive a high-quality education was the focus of another celebration last week: National Charter Schools Week. Through this event, teachers, students, parents, and others around the country shared how public charter schools have made a difference in their lives.
Some of the most inspiring signs of progress in K-12 education can be found in our nation’s charter schools. High-performing charter networks like Summit Public Schools, Green Dot Public Schools, and KIPP Schools are dedicated to helping all students succeed, and they’re delivering on this vision, backed by research: Charter schools are especially transformative for low-income students, students of color, and English language learners.
High-quality charter schools offer families additional education options that meet their children’s needs, and they also offer the broader education system insights about what works in driving student achievement. That’s why, throughout the next few weeks, our Progress in Action campaign will focus on sharing learnings from great public charter schools around the country. We’ll look at how:
- Educators from charter schools and district schools are coming together to share best practices;
- Parents are seeing their children thrive in charter schools; and
- Charter school students benefit from powerful learning experiences and a strong sense of community in their schools.
We invite you to follow along over the next few weeks and share your own stories of progress in action in public charter schools. You can email your story to or tweet about it using #ProgressInK12. By shedding light on what works in these high-quality schools, we hope these stories generate more understanding, collaboration, and positive progress.