Welcome! If you have come here to read about our K-12 strategy or our Postsecondary Success work, you may have discovered things look a bit different. In the past these sites were in separate places with entirely different experiences for you—our partners and the field. For this new space, we have combined all our U.S. Program strategies in one place. So hopefully, if you came here for one strategy, you will stay awhile to learn about our work in other areas—like our work to improve economic mobility and opportunity and to support stronger education-to-career pathways for students. All these strategies contribute to our overarching vision that everyone in the United States can learn, grow, and get ahead, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or family income.
This new site offers stories, resources, and data that reflect our work across the United States. Here are a few things we hope you find helpful:
- Funding Opportunities: This is where you will find RFIs and RFPs and apply for open opportunities.
- News and Insights (one to bookmark!): A space where we include voices, perspectives, and insights from foundation leaders and partners in the field. Discover our latest news, stories, blog posts, and highlights of what we—our partners, our team—are learning.
- North America: Our work spans the globe. And while you will find a deep dive on our U.S. Program work specifically here, you can also see a bit more about our growing work across North America.
- P-16 Framework: This tool draws on work from all our strategies. It highlights the milestones that are most likely to improve students’ trajectories, as well as to understand the additional factors that help or hinder their success.
- Resource Center: A growing collection of educational resources from our partners and initiatives that you can download and share.
For more updates, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our newsletters.