Let's Talk Series

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is producing the Let’s Talk series to share what we are learning from our investments and the work of our partners. Our goal is to share what districts and schools should consider—and avoid—so that we can all learn from each other as we continue to advance college readiness for all students.


Nobody Knows Teaching Like Teachers

Let's Talk Teaching

This booklet summarizes what we have learned from working with teachers and calls all of us to action on their behalf. Throughout, you’ll find a series of short stories written by teachers to remind you how hard they work, how much they care about their students, and how much of an impact they’ve had on those students. It’s important to share their realities in their own voices. We hope this booklet encourages more listening and inspires more action. Time to lean in. Learn more >

Teaching and Learning for College Readiness: The Role of Standards, Feedback, and Support

Let's Talk College Readiness

In just a few short years, the goal of ensuring that all students graduate from high school prepared for college and careers has been widely embraced.

Achieving this goal is absolutely essential. In this complex, global society, every student needs some form of education beyond high school and the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and in a good job. Without those abilities, students—especially those who have been left behind by the education system—will not be able to live productive lives, enjoy satisfying careers, or take their place as citizens. They will probably remain poor, and their children will remain poor. Yet the goal of college readiness for all can only be achieved by supporting teachers and teaching.  Learn more >