Charter school spotlight: Blackstone Valley Prep

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With its emphasis on diversity, personalized learning, and preparing all students to succeed in college and beyond, Blackstone Valley Prep (BVP) Mayoral Academy in Rhode Island has emerged as a standout network of public charter schools.

The BVP network provides transformational learning opportunities for its 1,400 scholars in grades K-10 across five schools. Students of color make up about 60 percent of the student population, and 63 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. BVP_data

In 2014-15, BVP scholars outperformed the state averages on the PARCC assessments in both math and English language arts and in almost every grade level. BVP’s low-­income scholars outperformed non low-­income students attending traditional public schools in Rhode Island. BVP-611-1024x682_x2 BVP_quote_parent

Learn more about how high-quality public charter schools like BVP are helping students succeed by following along with our Progress in Action campaign and checking out the articles below.