Bill Reflects On Our Education Work and Looks to the Future


At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we’ve learned from our partners and the field that excellent schools are what help students succeed most. At the Council of the Great City Schools’ 61st Annual Fall Conference, themed “Advancing the State of Urban Education,” co-chair Bill Gates shared how this learning has inspired the foundation to build on previous investments to drive the next chapter of our work in education in the U.S.


Read More about Bill Gates at the Council of the Great City Schools

Our co-chair Bill Gates reflects on our work in education—where we’ve been, what we’ve learned, and where we’re headed.

Start a Response to the RFI on Networks for School Improvement

We want to hear from intermediaries of networks of secondary schools that have successfully engaged in continuous improvement.

Learn More About Our Work

Alongside our partners, we seek to ensure that all students get a great public education so they have the skills and knowledge to succeed in the workplace. Read more about our K-12 strategy.