AI-powered innovations in mathematics teaching & learning request for information

Students using digital art boards

Respond to the Request for Information by May 20

One of the most powerful ways for students to take charge of their own future is through success in mathematics. Math teaches students to make sense of the world and how to be better problem solvers and critical thinkers.

We envision math instruction that is tailored to student needs:

  • The teacher uses digital tools to personalize learning and ensures that students get the help and practice they need to master key concepts.
  • The classroom is an inclusive environment where all students see their real-world interests reflected in the work they are doing and feel affirmed by their teacher and peers
  • Teachers receive valuable feedback, coaching, and professional learning aligned to the instructional materials, and they are part of a broader community of math educators who work together to plan instruction and share best practices.

We believe all of this is possible for each student and every teacher, and we believe advances in artificial intelligence (AI) can dramatically accelerate progress toward this vision.

Do you have an innovative approach to transform mathematics learning and instruction using AI-powered technologies?

AI has the potential to transform mathematics learning and instruction in the K-12 education system for all students, particularly for Black and Latino students and students impacted by poverty, as these communities have historically been excluded in education decisions and solutions design. We are looking to learn about innovative, research-based approaches that leverage AI-powered technologies to revolutionize instructional materials and teacher supports with the potential for scalable impact. We welcome research-backed approaches that support students and/or teachers by:



Increasing student motivation and engagement around mathematics



Improving student learning experiences and outcomes, overall, through instructional materials and tools used in the classroom

Increasing teachers’ sustained use of mathematics teaching practices through professional learning tools grounded in instructional materials




Augmenting teacher capacity through teacher support tools that save time, cost, and administrative burden

Creating seamless integration or adoption of high quality instructional materials into mathematics teaching and learning

Our ultimate goal is to dramatically improve math instruction and learning experiences so that all students are able to deeply understand, use, and enjoy math. Black and Latino students and students impacted by poverty and their teachers are a particular focus because they too often experience access barriers in the K-12 education system to critical resources, such as high-quality curriculum, experienced teachers, and digital innovations.

Please see the Eligibility section for examples, if helpful.

Why are we doing this Request for Information (RFI)?

The goal of this Request for Information (RFI) is to surface innovative ideas and approaches in the K-12 education field that are exploring or leveraging cutting-edge advancements in AI to dramatically improve mathematics teaching and learning. The aim is to help leaders in K-12 education - district and school leaders, educators, researchers, organization leaders, funders, and others - to have a more complete picture of the work happening in this space. In addition, the K-12 Education team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hopes to draw from these learnings to guide investment strategies and support impactful work.

Potential funding opportunities that may be informed by the responses to this RFI will depend on the fit of submissions. We are particularly interested in hearing from those who directly serve K-12 students and teachers, those who develop products, and/or researchers with approaches to develop, research, or adopt student- and/or teacher-facing AI-powered technologies to improve K-12 math teaching and learning in the U.S. - including those with a specific focus deeply rooted in the needs of Black and Latino students and/or students impacted by poverty and their teachers. We welcome submissions that range from early-stage project concepts to more mature approaches.

Finally, in education, there is a tendency for innovations to be built in silos. Through this RFI (and with specific consent from each respondent) we hope to potentially facilitate connections with other funders and other respondents interested in exploring similar projects.

For questions that are not addressed in this document, please reach out to [email protected] and check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below, which we will keep up to date as questions come in.

Student using a laptop


We are interested in learning about innovative approaches that meet at least one of the following criteria. If you answer “yes” to any or all of the questions, we want to hear from you. If you still have questions, please check the FAQs below or contact us at [email protected].

1. Do you have a research- or evidence-based, innovative approach that leverages AI-powered technologies to improve mathematics learning and/or teaching in the classroom?

2. Do you plan to develop or contribute to datasets, create tools for building, storing, or accessing datasets, and/or evaluate models and AI to improve the quality of AI-powered technologies that support mathematics teaching and learning?

3. Do you have a research- or evidence-based innovative approach to help districts or schools implement, design, or adopt AI-powered and emerging technologies?

4. Are you exploring a research question about the use of AI to improve mathematics teaching and learning?

Ideal submissions for this RFI will:

  • Respond to a specific challenge or need experienced by all students, and in particular, students who are Black and Latino and/or impacted by poverty and their teachers.
  • Focus on approaches that are directly tied to U.S. K-12 math classrooms, rather than outside-of-school learning.
  • Demonstrate a clear, direct connection to improving math teaching and/or learning.
  • Fall into any of the following categories of maturity:
    • Concept has not yet been prototyped or tested, or is a research project.
    • Concept has been prototyped and initial field tests have been conducted.
    • Approach is in use in multiple educational settings with teachers and/or students, is being tested for impact, and there is a focus on new feature development and/or scale.

While submissions are not bound to any of these examples, we want to provide ideas that may be a strong fit for this request:

  • Student-facing, instructional tools and products that are personalized and feature responsive adaptation of content for the individual needs, identities and preferences of learners and their communities.
  • Student-facing, instructional tools that promote student inquiry and development of critical thinking by simulating real-world scenarios and providing just-in-time suggestions or recommendations to help learners generate questions and ideas.
  • Student-facing, instructional tools that promote creative problem solving, inquiry into student thinking as a way to leverage advanced mathematical thinking, individualized prompting for students, and questioning to assist students in working through increasingly challenging problems and reasoning.
  • Teacher-facing professional learning tools that leverage advances in AI to provide teachers and their coaches with more useful, fine-grained, and frequent instructional insights and guidance to improve their instruction.
  • Teacher or coach-facing innovative uses of technology to make the resource-intensive components of professional learning (e.g., coaching, classroom observation, student work analysis, lesson study, opportunities to practice teaching) more cost-effective and scalable.
  • Teacher-facing assistants that leverage advances in AI to help teachers to offload administratively or cognitively burdensome tasks (ex: tasks related to lesson planning, lesson delivery, grading, and student and family communication) to save them time for higher-leverage activities.
  • Teacher-facing instructional tools that help teachers to productively adapt instructional materials to improve student learning experience, sense of belonging, and relevance while maintaining rigor.
  • Tools that leverage AI to make it easier to measure changes in teacher practice, teacher mindsets/beliefs, and/or student experiences.
  • District-wide opportunities for teacher professional learning with existing AI tools and/or partnerships with edtech/AI providers.
  • Feasibility studies to determine how multiple AI tool options align with and/or enhance existing math curriculum.

Use of the information gathered

The information collected from this request will be used by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to inform investment strategies and may result in funded projects. Please note the following details regarding how responses to this RFI will be used.

  • All submissions will be reviewed by Foundation staff and Digital Promise. Digital Promise staff will review for ideas grounded in authentic need, research, potential impact, technical feasibility, and originality. An educator review panel, comprised of current educators with expertise in AI, will also provide feedback on the relevance to their classroom experiences. These reviews will be shared with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to inform potentially funded projects.
  • Aggregated findings will be analyzed and publicly shared by Digital Promise in Fall 2024 to support greater field understanding of the ways in which AI is currently shaping mathematics teaching and learning. These findings will discuss topics such as where there are concentrations of exciting ideas, potential gaps in the field, themes across responses, and what types of technologies organizations are leveraging. Personally identifiable information from the individual responses will not be disclosed. For these reasons, please do not include proprietary or other sensitive information in your responses.
  • Respondents will have an option to give their permission/consent for their individual responses to be shared beyond the Foundation and Digital Promise staff for potential partnership connection purposes, such as with external funders and/or other respondents.

It is strongly encouraged not to share trade secrets, proprietary, or sensitive information in the responses. For additional information, please see Terms and Conditions, and understand that RFP is interchangeable with RFI throughout this document.

How to respond to this RFI

A single organization, district, or multiple organizations working together on the same project are invited to submit responses by completing this online form. We are particularly interested in hearing from those who directly serve K-12 students and teachers, those who develop products, and researchers.

Submissions will be collected via Qualtrics. Respondents can close the form window to complete at a later date if using the same device without losing the drafted language. We recommend downloading the application questions PDF and preparing responses outside of the form. Once ready, respondents can more easily complete the Qualtrics form in one sitting.

Interested respondents are invited to join any of the following options for office hours to learn more about this opportunity:




Apr 17, 2024

1:00-3:00pm PST


May 7, 2024

8:00 – 9:00am PST


May 9, 2024

1:30 – 2:30pm PST



The deadline for all RFI submissions is May 20, 2024, 5:00 pm PDT.

View the RFI

View a PDF version of the RFI


We will continuously update this section as we receive questions about the RFI. Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions.


Please use this link to access the online submission.
Submissions are welcome from a variety of organizations, including districts, developers, researchers, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and organizations that support stakeholders/organizations across the education ecosystem.
Organizations are welcome to submit multiple responses if there are multiple distinct ideas. It is up to the discretion of the organization if it makes more sense to submit a single submission with a multifaceted idea or multiple submissions with individual ideas described. All submissions will be read.
Organizations outside of the United States are welcome to submit. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) will prioritize funding opportunities for organizations that directly impact teachers and learners in the United States. With respondent consent, the applications will be shared across multiple funders interested in the space who may have focus populations outside of the United States.
This RFI is open to research-based concepts through mature projects.
We appreciate the time taken to submit to this RFI. The Digital Promise team will lead a review of all submissions, to both categorize the submissions by intended impact, identify common themes and ideas, and to provide feedback to the BMGF for alignment to their strategy. A panel of field experts and current teachers with expertise in AI will also provide feedback on submissions. The BMGF may reach out to respondents for additional questions and/or to explore potential funding opportunities; this follow up could occur as early as this summer or over the next year as the foundation continues to refine its strategy over time. This fall, there will be a landscape study published based on the learnings from all RFI submissions. This landscape will be shared with all RFI respondents and the field at large.
This is dependent on the stage and type of project. We expect submissions to ground the theory of change in reputable research and demonstrate an authentic need from the field based on data and/or research.
You are welcome to submit an idea that you have submitted to other funding opportunities, as long as no conflict of interest exists.
We are excited and hopeful to receive a wide variety of innovative uses of diverse technologies.

Success would look like:

  • having a stronger and more diverse picture of the landscape of AI research and development happening in math teaching and learning, and that we can share these themes with the field to inform greater investment overall.
  • being able to make connections between projects and elevate projects with other funders.
  • identifying innovative, strategic-aligned projects or initiatives that can be supported through funding.
This is a Request for Information as the underlying priority is learning. There may be submissions that receive individual follow-up from BMGF or our partners, which could lead to funding opportunities.
Citations are encouraged in the submission. Respondents may include one link that shows an existing prototype or approach, if this is relevant to the application. Links to research do not count toward word count.
This RFI is open to math teaching and learning across K-12, and is not exclusive to any particular subtopics.
While submissions that support early education or postsecondary education would not align with the BMGF’s K-12 education team’s strategy, submissions with consent from respondents will be shared across the foundation and other funders who may have this focus.